Perfect to create Playbooks, scout your Team all Season Long and gibts you a Clous Service for Ebers Seasongame!
Perfect to create Playbooks, scout your Team all Season Long and gibts you a Clous Service for Ebers Seasongame!
Best app for Basketball coaches in store. Only an export possibilty for the animated plays is missing. :)
Amazing app. Flexible and easy. More than we could ever use fully.
I love the ease of use and the statistics portion. It helps our team focus on areas to move our game to a higher level.
Crashes constantly. Has tons of awesome features but does matter if you have to keep reloading the app! I wouldnt recommend this unless they fixed it!
Fairly intuitive system. Easy to set up teams and track a game. Good interface. But dont make a mistake while tracking a game! If you realize right away, you can undo the last action, but if you dont, your error is carved in stone. Sometimes. You may be able to fix, but takes a long time, and you will miss the plays you are supposed to record. And, say you give a foul to the wrong player - you can never fix it. Data will say it is fixed in one view but not another. On the right track, but without error correction its pretty tough.
It is a good app but crashes too much.
Great basketball stats tracking app, outstanding reporting, and the support team is great. There is no other tool that provides the reporting and analytics like this one.
This has everything you need , just wish it had photos for players and larger font.
Two annoyances: 1) Ads!!! Since this is a paid app, it should either not have them or give you an option to disable. Deal breaker for me. 2) unable to remove players absent from the game. The bench should reflect who is really there. Pros: great flexibility to accommodate diff game rules, good follow-up prompts for assists, rebounds, turnovers. Cons/Opportunities: forces opponent tracking by player vs. team, forces user to tap the court for non-location specific stats, game chart customization not sticking, should have an option to have players follow the basket they are scoring on (scoring basket flips but row of players stays in original side so user picks player on right and taps shot location on left). Many great options with opportunity to get even better.
Draw up plays, keep score, track stats. This app does it all. Set up teams and schedules for an entire league. The in-game score-keeper is your gateway to a season full of comprehensive stats that will help you determine what areas to work on in practice. And the developer is constantly improving it and extremely responsive to support questions. A few tweaks and a little more polish and this will be a 5-star app in my book!
I purchased this app for two reasons. First is to keep track of my sons high school basketball team stats. Second to use with my other sons middle school basketball team which I coach. If the app would properly function with all the features that it has it would be amazing. But unfortunately it crashes frequently when trying to input a new team, trying to start a new game, etc...... Hopefully they will fix the problems soon so that I can use this app before the season ends. If anybody knows of any other ap please post it on this review.
I use it for an individual tracking of a player I work with. Its a good way to store stats and keep with game tendencies.
Great app to create and store plays. Works better after I installed the free updates. (the ball got stuck to the players while recording plays)
Kind of confusing to use. Kept putting player number 0 in for other players. Second game I used it, the score kept resetting and I lost very valuable stats. I switched to iScore. Much smoother and easier to use.
I coach a high school team and this app has just about everything I need. One of the things that, really attracted me to this app was the ability to customize stat categories. It can be a little tricky to navigate, but my stat keeper finds it user-friendly.
Great to use when you play ball for leagues
This app can do a lot. Probably too much. It is not very user friendly. But the main thing is it locks up and shuts down.
Our team use the Ballers program to analyze players individual stats as well as team shot selection. we are please with the customization and email feature of the program
The app is great - I get lots of attention from other parents and coaches at the games. I use it to track all major stats for all the teams my boys play on. One major problem is the stability of the app. It tends to exit the program, particularly when generating reports or shifting the iPad from horizontal to vertical.